
Скачать торрент X4: Foundations Collector's Edition [5.10 HotFix 3a] (Egosoft) (RUS) [L] - GOG

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post 04-Май-19 01:12

Раздача обновлена 04.05 в 01:12 МСК. Клиент обновлен до версии 2.21 (28478).
Патчи отдельно можно найти тут - https://yadi.sk/d/wizhIZAEinvGYA


post 07-Май-19 07:59 (спустя 3 дня)

Версия v2.20 почти ничем не отличается от 2.21.
Считаю не значительным обновлением, жду более значительного обновления.


post 15-Май-19 18:09 (спустя 8 дней)

DIIR Ну что есть, то и стараемся выкладывать. Там у них скоро шикарный патч должен релизнуться. По мелочам... Но пусть лучше уж так, чем то, что было в релизе)


post 08-Июн-19 13:52 (спустя 23 дня)

Релизнулся патч 2.5 и даже первый хотфикс уже. Но в интернете я пока не встречал его(
Список исправлений и добавлений огромный. Бедем ждать GOG =)
Pathnotes 2.5/fix1
Version 2.50 (347849) - 2019-05-28

New Feature: Resupply ships are now available and carriers can also resupply their fighters.
New Feature: Sector blacklist settings to prevent ships entering certain areas.
New Feature: Inventory management with lockboxes in space and inventory storage at player HQ.
New Feature: Tobii eye-tracking support (Windows only).
Added information about missing licence for buying blueprints.
Added basic set of blueprints to Hatikvah and Scaleplate faction representatives.
Added wanted ware amounts to trade context menu.
Added images and background information relating to star systems and planets in encyclopedia.
Added logbook entries for NPC ships being built, restocked or repaired at player shipyards.
Added note/hint while mouse direct steering mode is active.
Added more variations for Build Station, Rescue Ship and Scan missions.
Added new global orders section in player information menu.
Added options for ware transfer and trade with build storage to docked menu.
Added inventory information to player-owned ships.
Added categories to object list and property owned in the map.
Added options to sort the object list and property owned menus by name, size or hull.
Added warning in trade menu if a ship cannot transport a ware.
Added possibility to cancel builder ship assignments before ship deploys at station.
Added current build progress information to the module type summary lines of station entries in the map.
Added option to configure autosave interval (and prevented autosave immediately after a manual save).
Added information about hacked research module to research menu.
Added information about hacked production modules to info menu and Logical Station Overview.
Added ability to configure Logical Station Overview graph data for each station individually.
Added wreck filter option to map.
Added interior sounds to rooms, shops and ship bridges.
Added mining and resupply tutorials.
Improved cockpit glass transparency.
Improved fight-or-flight decision-making to only call for help if help is to be expected.
Improved behaviour of ships docking at busy locations.
Improved guidance for the find crate missions.
Improved station mining subordinate behaviour when station resource requirements increase.
Improved storage capacity of carriers to help them fulfil their supply function.
Improved faction logic to attempt to rebuild shipyards after their destruction.
Improved information menu presentation of cargo storage on ships.
Improved collision avoidance in specific situations.
Improved CollectLockbox order behaviour.
Improved selection of multiple wares for behaviours and map filters.
Improved out-of-sector firepower calculations.
Improved resource preview in the ship build/upgrade menu.
Improved satellite deployment tutorial.
Improved performance of loading and saving.
Improved interface for dropping player inventory.
Improved map object list performance when looking at many player stations.
Improved faction behaviour when dealing with ware shortages.
Improved ship formation behaviour when flying in travel mode.
Improved controller support for initial ship type selection in ship build menu.
Improved ship docking and undocking movement in certain cases.
Improved behaviour of free-flying police.
Improved defence drone handling by capital ships in combat.
Improved mission reward text for paint mods.
Improved updating of wares to be traded or harvested by station-based trading ships and mining ships.
Improved Logical Station Overview graph data selection.
Improved AI station generation logic to make selection of large habitation modules more likely where appropriate.
Updated external links to wiki and manual.
Changed faction representative menu to still show owned blueprints.
Removed Fly To objective from Build Station missions.
Removed ability to load construction plans that contain more venture modules than the player has available.
Removed ability to move an empty station plot after paying a cheap licence to a location with an expensive licence without repercussions.
Fixed mouse-over text not being updated in certain cases when scrolling a table.
Fixed resource display showing amounts up to 100x too high when removing station modules.
Fixed moving of station plots potentially resulting in incorrectly placed build storage.
Fixed faction representatives selling ship blueprints of other factions of the same race.
Fixed ware exchange between capital ships getting stuck.
Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth for existing ships (was fixed for new ships in 2.20).
Fixed deployables launching from ship getting stuck when boarding operation against that ship succeeds.
Fixed doors on docked ships sometimes not opening when the player is nearby.
Fixed getting stuck in elevators that are going up.
Fixed ships getting stuck during flight in certain circumstances.
Fixed Kha'ak stations offering missions.
Fixed Hatikvah and Scaleplate ships being unavailable from their shipyards.
Fixed Xenon being unable to repair or build certain station modules.
Fixed supply information in Logical Station Overview not updating.
Fixed research menu not showing completed research if it finished while menu was not displayed.
Fixed capital ships undocking from each other potentially failing without recovery.
Fixed being able to Board abandoned ships.
Fixed being able to Claim ships that are currently being boarded.
Fixed lasertowers being allowed to receive orders that they cannot complete.
Fixed station drone removal when target amount is zero.
Fixed wrong interact menu options for lasertowers.
Fixed inability to Comm carriers and resupply ships from map.
Fixed interactions on docking bays of capital ships that are themselves docked.
Fixed certain research activities being cancelled when loading a savegame.
Fixed missing resources for station module loadouts sometimes not being listed in menus.
Fixed build storage not correctly taking future module and loadout resources into account while a module is being recycled.
Fixed incorrect requirement to own at least one ship blueprint of a certain ship size before this ship size can be upgraded at player-owned shipyards.
Fixed ships not upgrading/repairing if piloted by player with unrelated orders on order queue.
Fixed trade/equip orders being ignored if assuming direct control of a ship with such orders.
Fixed sending ship to repair multiple components only repairing the first queued component.
Fixed planned loadout changes on station modules marking all following modules as changed.
Fixed repair menu showing completely wrecked surface elements on ships as having no damage.
Fixed stations with workforce of multiple races not ordering all resources to feed them.
Fixed trade context menu not working if no player ship is available.
Fixed ship being teleported when disabling Flight Assist from the quick menu while near a station.
Fixed traders that are subordinates of stations sometimes purchasing wares that are not required by their commander.
Fixed newly constructed shipyards and defence stations not being named correctly.
Fixed ammo/units not being added to Encyclopedia when included in loadout on player-owned ship.
Fixed wrong text displayed for police faction in encyclopedia.
Fixed station modules sometimes being constructed and recycled in a loop.
Fixed stations potentially building turrets and shields on modules being recycled.
Fixed station modules which were destroyed appearing as operational while recycling.
Fixed Teladi Trading Station not being able to repair its modules.
Fixed XS deployables launched from some capital ships getting spawned away from ship that launched them.
Fixed some capital ships having too much S ship storage.
Fixed some capital ships being unable to store docked M ships in internal storage.
Fixed player being stuck in wrong position when getting up while external view is active.
Fixed bullets not hitting when viewing a remote battle in external view.
Fixed ships launched from launch tubes not immediately folding up their landing gear.
Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck while docking.
Fixed several cases of formation wingmen going through geometry.
Fixed ware exchange failing in some cases when involving one ship docked at another.
Fixed free traders preferring low-volume wares.
Fixed rare case of free traders choosing a now-disadvantageous trade over a trade that had improved over time.
Fixed station module search not being localized.
Fixed freeze when there is a police ship belonging to a faction that no longer controls any space.
Fixed non-factory stations gifted to other factions not updating their name correctly.
Fixed laser towers displaying a ship icon as their target element in the HUD.
Fixed weapon aim indicators being displayed when a menu is open.
Fixed interact menu not working in certain situations.
Fixed issues with moving station plots during Build Station missions.
Fixed Rescue Ship mission potentially creating unowned ships which don't get cleaned up.
Fixed Rescue Ship mission reward calculation in the variant where the ship must be delivered.
Fixed warping to a different sector when getting up during specific stage of HQ mission.
Fixed missile range calculation for dumbfire missiles.
Fixed very slow mission offer display if many offers are known.
Fixed menu errors when opening information menu for ship under construction.
Fixed huge player-owned stations not displaying all stored wares in information menu.
Fixed encyclopedia links to ships not working correctly.
Fixed NPC buy/sell orders not honouring minimum amounts.
Fixed ships stuck waiting for upgrades.
Fixed error messages when attempting to unlock EMP-induced data leaks on ships.
Fixed dock speed limits being applied when travel mode is active.
Fixed ships docking at moving objects appearing to strafe very quickly at certain times.
Fixed police ships remaining in space where they no longer have police authority.
Fixed some factions' police ships not being named as police.
Fixed defence drones belonging to Teladi Trading Stations not docking after completing their tasks.
Fixed stations potentially trying to trade with other stations when they no longer have any available cargo drones.
Fixed ships built for invasions sometimes not performing their intended orders.
Fixed subordinates not responding to attacks in some cases.
Fixed ships attacking targets outside their engagement area when on their way to their engagement area.
Fixed squadron subordinates getting distracted by hostile targets encountered while on their way to join their commander.
Fixed subordinates of carriers waiting for the player's permission before undocking to attack if player is on board the carrier.
Fixed station-based miners and traders not updating their range when they or their manager improve in skill.
Fixed construction vessels not always being unassigned when a station is destroyed.
Fixed NPC ships not firing their weapons when attacking under certain circumstances.
Fixed turrets set to Fire on my current target only firing sporadically when current target is a station.
Fixed turrets set to Attack my current target periodically stopping firing.
Fixed player-flown ships with turrets set to mining mode only acquiring asteroids 3km away regardless of mining turret range.
Fixed mass traffic sometimes using the wrong ships directly after loading a savegame.
Fixed asteroids in certain regions sometimes ending up with negative mineral yields.
Fixed incorrectly-scaled rendering of paint mods when redesigning certain ships.
Fixed promotion of crew to pilots removing existing pilot from ship.
Fixed object selection failing in the map when switching between tabs.
Fixed cases where map continued panning/rotating even after having released all mouse buttons.
Fixed station building menu asking to confirm loss of changes if nothing was changed.
Fixed station building menu not updating when a module build finishes.
Fixed returning venture ships sometimes being displayed in an incorrect location on the map.
Fixed map object list not showing the correct player logo for player-owned sectors.
Fixed supply settings for Drones and Missiles in Logical Station Overview.
Fixed workforce information in Logical Station Overview being greyed-out
Fixed player map icon being very large in certain situations.
Fixed external view on surface elements.
Fixed targeting while in spacesuit.
Fixed loot-magnet sound stuck after auto-save.
Fixed tooltip text getting stuck in the station build menu when using the controller mouse emulation.
Fixed various NPC pathing issues on platforms.
Fixed NPC rubber-banding when talked to while walking.
Fixed detached habitation modules during AI station construction (existing station layouts are not affected).
Fixed factions building more defence stations than they should.
Fixed situation where ships could appear stuck in internal storage.
Fixed missing localisation of several texts in menus.
Fixed several localisation issues in mission texts.
Fixed being able to fly into planets.
Fixed NPCs walking in front of pilot in Demeter and Hermes.
Fixed Pulsar's right weapon being visually disconnected from hull.
Fixed Nodan lights not turning on.
Fixed missing mode visualisation in Nodan cockpit.
Fixed Xenon capital ship engines not having animated exhaust flames.
Fixed duplicate display on panel in Kestrel cockpit.
Fixed missing geometry on side of Discoverer Vanguard.
Fixed missing external geometry when standing on Incarcatura bridge.
Fixed Incarcatura bridge location.
Fixed missing ID code panel on Odysseus.
Fixed being able to walk through desks in engineering section.
Fixed menu crash when opening the map legend in certain cases.
Fixed menu crash when upgrading a damaged ship and then trying to select a different ship.
Fixed Empire Menu breaking if menu attempts to display other menus.
Fixed game freeze in certain situations.
Fixed case of player falling through floor of flying ships.
Fixed not being able to use the joystick POV for cockpit camera movement.
Fixed some Teladi NPCs not moving their mouths when speaking.
Fixed Split female eye blink animation.
Fixed inability to remap some camera controls.
Fixed incorrect carriage return in version number in start/options menu (Linux only).
Fixed possible system memory leak when low on graphics memory.
Fixed several causes of crashes.

Version 2.50 Hotfix 1 (347849) - 2019-06-04

Fixed aim ahead indicator no longer being displayed and some other minor targeting glitches (problem introduced in 2.50).


post 08-Июл-19 11:21 (спустя 29 дней)

2.50 и 2.50_Hotfix_1 GOG


post 09-Июл-19 15:09 (спустя 1 день 3 часа)

Раздача обновлена 09.07 в 14:30 МСК. Клиент обновлен до версии 2.50 Hotfix 1 (29990).
Патчи отдельно можно найти тут - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZgCsnB68qzcaqbn1A7mWX1LVHqd-Lvix


post 03-Ноя-19 14:56 (спустя 3 месяца 24 дня)

Патч 2.60 GOG


post 06-Ноя-19 22:01 (спустя 3 дня)

Огромное спасибо за патч!

Странно патч поставил. Но в игре нет не русского звука, не английского... кто нибудь сталкивался?


post 05-Фев-20 22:25 (спустя 2 месяца 29 дней)

Судя по новостям в интернетах, патч 3.0, он же X4: Split Vendetta, выходит в первом квартале этого года. У кого-нибудь есть более точная дата, чтобы пореже проверять релизы на Русторке? :-)


post 03-Апр-20 20:21 (спустя 1 месяц 26 дней)

Раздача обновлена 03.04 в 20:20 МСК. Клиент обновлен до версии 3.00 (37236), добавлено DLC Split Vendetta (37236).


post 03-Апр-20 20:39 (спустя 17 минут)

В раздаче только английский язык, на каждую локализацию в GOG отдельный установщик и для DLC тоже.


post 09-Апр-20 23:03 (спустя 6 дней)

Да, есть такое. Мой косяк. Теперь всё нормально.
Раздача обновлена 09.04 в 23:01 МСК. Клиент обновлен до версии 3.10 (37408).


post 09-Апр-20 23:13 (спустя 10 минут)

Приветствую. Есть возможность выложить отдельно патч 3.10 ?


post 09-Апр-20 23:25 (спустя 12 минут)

Да, держи - Ya.Disk


post 10-Апр-20 18:52 (спустя 19 часов)

Ц InsaneRamZes писал(а):

Да, есть такое. Мой косяк. Теперь всё нормально.
Нет, теперь игра на русском, а DLC для английской версии, у DLC тоже свои установщики для каждого из языков.


post 10-Апр-20 22:28 (спустя 3 часа)

Благодарю за внимательность, теперь точно всё нормально) Раздача обновлена.


post 10-Апр-20 23:46 (спустя 1 час 18 минут)

Добавьте что есть Русская озвучка


post 22-Апр-20 14:47 (спустя 11 дней)

Интересно сколько лет должно будет пройти, пока в это можно будет играть?


post 24-Апр-20 11:45 (спустя 1 день 20 часов)

может кто знает, игра не запускается а сразу же генерит дамп и написано ровно две секунды "идёт поиск решения проблем..." и всё на этом


post 25-Апр-20 20:49 (спустя 1 день 9 часов)

Играл лет 20 назад в первый Х. Это было что-то с чем-то. Решил запустить это. Ну что хочу сказать. Редкая дрянь. Разочарован.

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